HUDSON VALLEY LOCAL BUSINESS : Hiring local businesses keeps your money in the community you live in.


About Bruce

Handyman Services

What Clients Say

Contact Bruce



What is a handyman job?

There is no one answer.
There are literally hundreds.
To be a handyman you must be adept at many skills and processes both interior and exterior.

A handyman is the best solution for small jobs ranging from several hours to several days.

Contractors have crews and large overheads that make small jobs unprofitable for them and very costly for you.

A handyman goes through a project with a tool box full of many trade tools. The handyman can easily transition from one job to the next.

Bruce has the skills and experience and the proper tools to get all your work done right.
One person, one rate for the entire job.


Here are examples of small jobs
that Bruce can do:

Electrical repairs
Plumbing repairs
Indoor / outdoor lighting
Seasonal Preparation
Roof repair
Computer repair
Doors and windows fixed / replaced
Gutter replace / repair
Mortor repair
Tile work
Indoor / outdoor cleanups
Stone walls
Paths, and patios
Tree removal
Stump grinding
Backhoe work
Appliance repair
Small engine repair
Automotive repair